Tag Archives: author page

City of the Wiccad is available now

Monday has come to New Zealand and City of the Wiccad has come to the world. That’s right, City of the Wiccad is now live to purchase on Amazon Kindle.

Click here to download from Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk / Amazon.com.au

What is City of the Wiccad about? Well, my lovely, read on!

What would you do to protect your family? What would you sacrifice?
Who would you sacrifice?

Near death and simply looking to protect her younger sisters, Gabby was forced to merge her soul with a demon and become an alluring creature of sin and death under the control of a nefarious group known as the Order. After she is commanded to destroy one of the City’s most pious priests, followed by a renowned detective, Gabby begins to realise she might have a choice after all. Just how many lives are her sisters’ worth? Will Gabby discover the secrets of the Order and who is truly controlling her?

Will she encounter the mysterious witch saving young women from the chaos and violence the Order is bringing to the City? The City is at a crossroads and the Wiccad have a part to play to keep it from descending into chaos. But who are the Wiccad? And what do they have to do with Gabby?

Join storyteller Jaidee, as she introduces you to the City of the Wiccad – Victorian London but not quite as your history teacher taught you. The narrative was changed long ago, but now you can know the truth. Our story begins here with Episode 1 of City of the Wiccad.

City of the Wiccad is a new collection of Victorian stories of the supernatural, told in a modern episodic style. Vibrant characters appear in each episode as tales of intrigue and danger unfold and interweave to bring the truth of the Wiccad to light.

Look out for episodes 2 and 3 of City of the Wiccad in 2017.

You can find my brand spanking new Author Page here 

I am so beyond excited I was up at 6 am because it was already live. (Can’t believe it only took a couple of hours when they said it might take up to 72.) So please, share the news with your friends, and when you read and enjoy the book, please leave me a review for the book and help me get it out there.


Remember you can connect with me on for more information, updates and general crazy fun.

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2017 will bring new episodes of City of the Wiccad and much, much more.