Monthly Archives: December 2016

I am The Princess Bard

It was bound to happen. I knew that it was time to let go of writerinplay, I’ve known for a while. But I also wasn’t sure if I wanted to change my address here to theprincessbard or wiccadwyrd or wiccadwithin or something new.

I have, as many of you know, a tendency to get antsy and change my name. But no more. I am The Princess Bard, and perhaps more importantly according to her, Jaidee is The Princess Bard. So it was time to change the address.

If you had writerinplay bookmarked, please resave to

And if you did not have the page saved feel free to save it. And also remember you can get blog posts straight to email by signing up in the box on the right-hand side of the page.

I’m also excited to say that in the coming days there will be a new post about a new endeavour for 2017 – Wiccad Within. It could change the world. It could change your world. So stay tuned.

But for now, just enjoy the change as I settle down to be The Princess Bard.



City of the Wiccad – Episodic?

WTF is episodic?

You are already familiar with how T.V. episodes work. City of the Wiccad episodes work in much the same way.

Some episodes are about this character or that character, some episodes bounce back and forth between scenes and characters. Some episodes will give you a story end and some closure. Some episodes will leave you screaming “For the love of the Gods, Justine, what the heck are you doing? Are you smegging kidding me?”. And each series will have an end and all will be resolved. Well, most stuff will be resolved because we already know there will be future series of Wiccad stories.

To be honest, I don’t know how many episodes City of the Wiccad will have just yet. But I can tell you, for better or worse, there is an end point. I can also tell you that City of the Wiccad is just one series from The Tales of the Wiccad. After all, City of the Wiccad is set in just one point in time and we have the whole of history to play with; not to mention other realms.

I can also tell you that episode 2 and 3 are tantalisingly close to being ready for release and it’s all I can do to not throw them out there in January for you to purchase. But I’ll try to be patient after all, it needs to be perfect for you first. I can also tell you that episode 4 and 5 are already completed first drafts. So you have a few episodes to look forward to, keep that in mind when you hit the end of Episode 1: Beginnings and need more. Episode 2 will be out in early 2017. I promise.

If you are intrigued, remember you can purchase City of the Wiccad – Episode 1: Beginnings now from Amazon for yourself or maybe even for a loved one for Christmas.


City of the Wiccad is available now

Monday has come to New Zealand and City of the Wiccad has come to the world. That’s right, City of the Wiccad is now live to purchase on Amazon Kindle.

Click here to download from / /

What is City of the Wiccad about? Well, my lovely, read on!

What would you do to protect your family? What would you sacrifice?
Who would you sacrifice?

Near death and simply looking to protect her younger sisters, Gabby was forced to merge her soul with a demon and become an alluring creature of sin and death under the control of a nefarious group known as the Order. After she is commanded to destroy one of the City’s most pious priests, followed by a renowned detective, Gabby begins to realise she might have a choice after all. Just how many lives are her sisters’ worth? Will Gabby discover the secrets of the Order and who is truly controlling her?

Will she encounter the mysterious witch saving young women from the chaos and violence the Order is bringing to the City? The City is at a crossroads and the Wiccad have a part to play to keep it from descending into chaos. But who are the Wiccad? And what do they have to do with Gabby?

Join storyteller Jaidee, as she introduces you to the City of the Wiccad – Victorian London but not quite as your history teacher taught you. The narrative was changed long ago, but now you can know the truth. Our story begins here with Episode 1 of City of the Wiccad.

City of the Wiccad is a new collection of Victorian stories of the supernatural, told in a modern episodic style. Vibrant characters appear in each episode as tales of intrigue and danger unfold and interweave to bring the truth of the Wiccad to light.

Look out for episodes 2 and 3 of City of the Wiccad in 2017.

You can find my brand spanking new Author Page here 

I am so beyond excited I was up at 6 am because it was already live. (Can’t believe it only took a couple of hours when they said it might take up to 72.) So please, share the news with your friends, and when you read and enjoy the book, please leave me a review for the book and help me get it out there.


Remember you can connect with me on for more information, updates and general crazy fun.

Twitter & Facebook

2017 will bring new episodes of City of the Wiccad and much, much more.


City of the Wiccad – Meet Mother Maggie

It had been years since the grand old homestead had seen any life. Though, it had been tended to over those years, never becoming a derelict eyesore and the neighbours appreciated that.

Then Miss Maggie Baker arrived and opened her home to many young ladies. Some were younger, orphans they said who were getting too old for the homes and the neighbours applauded her charity.

Then the work began on the large and sprawling building. Parts of the house became small individual residences and Maggie invited women to come and stay in them.

Hilda Walker was distressed to discover that one of the new tenants was a bunter. A penniless whore who sold her own body AND begged for coins too. There were few lower on the streets and now she lived across from Hilda and her husband. It was disgraceful.

Another of the women was hardly better in Hilda’s eyes.  A shameful woman who had ignored the vows she made before god and simply walked out on her husband and her wifely duties.

Hilda made sure the whole neighbourhood knew of the terrible women they were being forced to live alongside. She hoped that with enough outrage they might be driven back to where they came from.

And then, to make it even more scandalous, Hilda had witnessed Maggie Baker herself under the light of the full moon in the back garden. Maggie had made a pact with the devil in the moonlight and transformed into a black cat.

Hilda’s husband saw nothing and most people agreed that it was time for Hilda to lay off the bottle.

I might have felt sorry for Hilda but I could never abide a busy body. My business is my own. Had she minded her own business she would have lived none the wiser to the magic of my home and myself, but she meddled and passed judgement on my girls and that simply would not do.

I do not mind her gossiping about me but NO ONE gets to speak ill of my girls. Many of them have been through tough times that they never deserved to endure. To then be mocked and judged by a pious woman, who has nothing to better to occupy her life with, is most unacceptable. I will protect each of my girls with any means at my disposal. Including making that shrew seem as though she has lost her marbles.

I have never been someone to trifle with and Hilda should count herself lucky she did not meet me when I was a far more volatile creature.

She called me a witch today to my face and seemed most offended that I did not take any offence to the name.

Why would I take offence? I am a witch by most definitions of the term. Though I have made no pact with a fallen angel turned lord of hell and damnation and my soul remains my own.

The girls giggled when I spoke of such things. Some giggle because they know it is true, others giggle because they have not yet woken to the world alongside their own. But they will. In time, they will awaken to their magic. Each of them will know they have the potential to be Wiccad.

This is after all why I have returned to the City.

Note from muggins the author: Maggie and Jaidee both insisted that she be introduced with this new piece of writing that will not be making it into the novel. Maggie is an amazing character with such a rich history and I cannot wait for you to know all about her.

Next post we will visit the Wiccad. Who are the Wiccad and what makes them, well Wiccad. Perhaps after that, we can visit my casting choices for the characters. And remember, if you haven’t already, mark you calendar for Monday the 19th for the release of City of the Wiccad – Episode 1: Beginnings.

City of the Wiccad – Meet Gabby

I have long loved stories of Victorian England, both historically accurate and ones that bring in a touch of the supernatural or steampunk. (Okay, the steampunk is new but the supernatural thing goes way back, Dracula was probably the first.) So, it really was not a surprise that the muse started bringing me characters set in that period.

It was not my first time dabbling, I was part of an epically wonderful Role Play set in those times and I was very sad when it died, as, alas, often happens in the RP world.

City of the Wiccad was born about five characters into a Victorian setting. It’s been a hard time trying to figure out who should start off the story with so many main players and amazing stories to be shared with you all.

Gabby became the story that really wanted to be told first, followed by Mother Maggie. And since the two stories weave through each other, their stories became the basis for the first book of City of the Wiccad.

But who are Gabby and Mother Maggie?

Well, how would you like a little introduction to how each of their stories begin? Jaidee agrees that is the best way to begin. And she would know, she is after all the Bard of the Wiccad, and the narrator of our City of the Wiccad tales.

So today let us meet Gabby:

Charity. How she loathed being called that. Her name was Gabriella, Gabby, named for the Angel and while she had never been an angel, she certainly was not now.

Gabby was the eldest of the three girls and she would die to protect her younger siblings. Something she had nearly done to rescue them from the fire that consumed their home and stole their parents from them.

It was possible she might yet make the ultimate sacrifice for them.

They were all three changed now, a demon living within each of them. Her sisters, Michaela and Sophia, were so young and innocent and now, because of Gabby’s choices after the fire, they lived with these clawing monsters within them, monsters that wished to feed and feed often.

The only way her sisters would be fed and allowed to live was for Gabby to work for the Bishop. She was a weapon against the enemies of the Church. This church was not pious and loving, but controlling and powerful.

A succubus lived within Gabby now, merging with Gabby herself until she no longer knew who she truly was before this began.

Gabby hungered for sin, and she sought these sins out with the enemies of her Church, creating them if they were not to be found. It was not the life she had dreamed of but she had begun to find some peace with it. Her sister’s, however, had little peace.

In the coming days, you’ll get introduced to Maggie and you’ll find out just what it means to be Wiccad.

And remember to note in your diary that City of the Wiccad is coming to Amazon Kindle on Monday the 19th of December. Not long to go now. I am so excited.

Sorry, Jaidee. We are so excited.